
De Molen Rook & Rogge fles 33cl

De Molen

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De Molen Rook & Rogge

Rook & Rogge is een Smoked IPA met subtiele rooksmaak en fruitige tonen van citrus en rode bes door de toegevoegde Cascade en Simcoe hopsoorten. De toegevoegde rogge geeft deze IPA een lichte kruidigheid en vollere body. De Rook & Rogge biedt een verfijnde balans tussen rook, fruitigheid en bitterheid, resulterend in een complexe en verfrissende ervaring.

  • Smaakpalet: Licht rokerig, citrus en kruidig
  • Heerlijk bij: Spareribs, pulled pork en burnt ends van buikspek
  • Het lekkerste op temperatuur: 7 graden Celsius

De stevige schuimkraag verhult de fijne rokerigheid in dit lichttroebele donkergele bier aanvankelijk enigszins, maar geef het de tijd en de neus wordt getrakteerd. Daarnaast komt er een bosje bloemigheid uit de hop tevoorschijn.

Het is een bijzondere combinatie van de kruidige roggesmaak, het randje rokerigheid en wat granigheid in deze eigenzinnige IPA-variant. De hoppigheid is subtiel aanwezig, en gooit zich aan het eind in de smaak met een fijn bittertje die uitloopt naar een droge afdronk.

Beer review (EN):

Rook & Rogge 

Happy New Year everyone! After a lengthy absence (I know, you noticed and missed me loads) I’ve returned to grace you all with my rantings and ravings over my one true love, craft beer. Dry January, who is she? Unknown in this household, as-alas- I have much to make up for, especially having had a Christmas season entirely devoid of any northern European cheer. Sadly for me (please get out your smallest violin) I spent the festive period in balmy temperatures of 15 degrees in Spain which, although lovely, meant I didn’t really experience the cheer I associate with Christmas. So, now that I’m back and eschewing the season of dourness, I guess I can get started.

While I was sipping on sangria and pairing my Spanish tortillas with charred peppers on a terrace, I was missing out on all the flavours that make Christmas..Christmas. Of course, there is an argument to be made that sangria is just summer Glühwein, but I’ve lost friends over this opinion so I shall leave it out of this and turn my attention to all the best winter food- stuffing, mince pies and for me, most of all, bread.

I could wax lyrical about bread, but that’s for a different kind of review, so suffice to say I was thrilled to see De Molen’s new Rook & Rogge (Smoke & Rye) crop up. What says cold weather more than rye and the smell of a smokey fire? Not much, and I had high hopes this would blend two of my favourite ever beers together.

I am not disappointed- an initial whiff smelled like a mixture between Bamberg’s famous Schlenkerla Rauchbier and the now long-gone Bosuil from Brouwerij Het Uiltje’s younger years. These are formative beers for me- it was with my first tasting from Uiltje that I discovered what Dutch craft beer really could be- so I’m thrilled to report back so positively.

Rook & Rogge pours semi-opaque, orange with some red undertones. The first taste really reminds me of the Bosuil- bitterness from the malts coming through as the rye produces a lovely tang. The smoked flavour is not far behind, either, and remains steady throughout the entire drinking experience. I’d consider the smokiness reminiscent of Schlenkerla’s summer offering- their Weizen- as it doesn’t read as heavily as their winter Eichenbock or even their Märzen. This is nothing but a good thing as for all its heavy winter flavours, the beer retains a light character, and too much smoke would have overpowered the other stellar aspects of it.

One of which, I have to say, is the texture. While light, the rye imparts some creaminess (as is often the case with other cereals), and you would be mistaken for thinking there was more head to this than there is. One offshoot of this is that alongside the rich rye flavour and texture is that there are some sparkling citrus notes which stop it from becoming all too stodgy. Add in some of that De Molen IPA magic and we’re onto a winner I’d happily drink into February, and something I can imagine spending serious time with of a crisp winter’s day after stumbling into an old-fashioned haunt De Drie Dorstige Herten comes to mind!) while putting the world to rights with friends and watching the sun descend.

And for all of you doing Dry Jan, well, I guess you’ll have to hope I haven’t bought up the entire stock by February!

De Molen
Waanzinnig lekker bij:
Spareribs, pulled pork en burnt ends van buikspek
De grootste smaakexplosie op:
7 graden Celsius
water, GERSTEMOUT, ROGGE, kristalsuiker, hop
gerst, rogge
Fabrikant adres:
Bier&cO, Oostenburgermiddenstraat 218, 1018 LL Amsterdam
Artikel Type:
De Molen Rook & Rogge fles 33cl is een smoked IPA met een subtiele rooksmaak van brouwerij de Molen met een alcoholpercentage van  7.5%
De Molen Rook & Rogge fles 33cl
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