Koffie & Toffee


De bruine schuimkraag op deze Baltic Porter van 8,5% abv houdt manmoedig stand op het diep donkerrode bier.

In de geur is vooral roast waarneembaar, die -inderdaad- ook een beetje koffie-achtig aandoet. Je zou het daarbij ook enigszins rokerig kunnen noemen.

De smaken brengen direct koffie naar voren terwijl daarnaast de toffee zich verstopt in een lichte zoetheid. Deze toffe Special van Brouwerij De Molen is, als Lager zijnde, een ander beestje dan de meeste van zijn voorgangers. Deze laagvergiste Baltic Porter is weliswaar zoet, maar beduidend minder dan enkele voorgangers. Het is een uiterst doordrinkbare Special en, los van de naam ‘Koffie & Toffee’, is het wat mij betreft vooral ook een hele leuke Baltic Porter!



Happy (belated) International Baltic Porter Day!  

A week late or so, but I promise you’ll forgive me when you taste the new Koffie & Toffee (Coffee and Toffee, no surprises there) from De Molen. February and March seem to me the perfect time for a baltic porter with its dark stout-like malts but with a lighter body- for days when the sun is beginning to come up a teeny bit earlier, but where your morning coffee is probably still engulfed in darkness. This might sound strange, but I do associate them with seafaring (maybe thanks to the Baltic Sea part of its history and naming) so I may also just keep a bottle until International Talk Like A Pirate Day to celebrate that occasion equally as well.


From the off there are recognisable coffee aromas, really tasting like a coffee bean itself, with a light caramel touch which leads into the more bitter malt experience. The toffee comes in subtly on the back of your tongue- not overwhelmingly sticky or sweet, but enough to accentuate the fullness of the coffee and provide a small boost- a bit like having a toffee coin with a cup of coffee, now I come to think about it. I also find the use of hallertau blanc hops interesting- this daughter variety of cascade provides a slight grassiness to play against the dominant coffee notes.


The beer has a medium body, and in spite of the rich flavours used still an effervescent and bubbly character to it- typical of Baltic Porters, but not quite what I was expecteing when I saw the name! The contrast is welcome though; right up until the final taste which remains sparkling with heavy coffee overtones.


In all honesty, I would rarely reach for a Baltic Porter but this has convinced me I should give them a go more often- it’s a subtle yet impactful twist on a great style. I’d recommend for anyone who loves the style (obviously), and for someone who wants to try something new but isn’t too daring. I do intend to keep my remaining bottle for the aforementioned holiday, though I now fear it may be gone by the time I pick up my eyepatch on the 19th of September. Cheers me hearties!