
Copyright & Disclaimer - Legal Disclaimer

De Molen is a trade mark of Swinkels Family Brewers N.V. with Chamber of Commerce number 17007387


The content of this site is copyrighted. These rights are based on Swinkes Family Brewers. Without the written permission of Swinkes Family Brewers, it is not allowed to copy this site or any part thereof.


Swinkes Family Brewers compiles the contents of this site with great care. Swinkes Family Brewers, however, does not guarantee the content of the information and its actuality and correctness. Swinkes Family Brewers is not liable for any errors or inaccuracies, or for the consequences of using the information provided. Swinkes Family Brewers is not responsible for information made available to third parties, including visitors, to Swinkes Family Brewers for listing on this website. Swinkes Family Brewers is not liable for any damage caused by the unavailability or inaccessibility of the website and the use of the website including incorrect data processing.

For questions and/or complaints, please contact:

Swinkels Family Brewers 
Attn: Consumer service 
De Stater 1, 5737 RV
Lieshout, Netherlands